Precision Rifle Cartridge Reloading Class
- Cost: $100
- Date: Sunday April 29, 2018
- Time: 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM
- Location: Littleton, MA
Directions to the shop
This intermediate course is intended for shooters who have some experience reloading and wish to learn more about the process of loading bottlenecked rifle cartridges. This is not a beginner's class. We recommend taking the NRA Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading class and/or having a working knowledge of reloading metallic cartridges prior to signing up for this class.

Attendees will learn how to safely make rifle cartridges that are more accurate than factory ammo.
This is a 4-1/2 hour class.
Topics include:
- Component selection - Including the single most important step in making accurate ammo
- Proper brass sorting and case prep - The key to consistency
- Load selection - Learn why some loads are accurate and others are not
- Gages & Tools - Because you can't fix what you can't measure
- Crimping - When it's needed and when it isn't
- Sizing rimmed & belted cases - When following the directions isn't always the best thing to do
- Loading for long range shooting
- Review of Pressure Signs - How to know when to back off
- Testing and Record keeping
Attendees should have some experience reloading metallic cartridges.

The class will feature discussion and demonstration only. There will be no hands-on reloading.